
Large-Scale Mining of Medical Text- a Hybrid Statistical/Semantic Approach
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/onlinelearning2012_diethe_medical_text/  
主讲教师: Tom Diethe
开课单位: 亚马逊公司
开课时间: 2013-05-28
课程语种: 英语
英国医学杂志集团 (bmj 集团) 有一个广泛和多样的内容集, 包括一套医学期刊, 在线学习材料, 最佳实践指南, 临床证据摘要, doc-2-doc 在线论坛, 和一个医生组合系统。现在需要聚合这些内容类型, 提供统一的标记和 i 墨迹系统, 以便在整个组中轻松检索相关内容。主要用途案例包括改进搜索和浏览能力, 以及 "专业门户网站的 (半自动) 自动建造", 这些门户可能是临床性质的 (如糖尿病), 也可能是非临床的 (如国家医疗服务体系改革)。这对标准模式分析算法提出了挑战, 部分原因是文档具有高度的技术性。以前的工作主要集中在使用自动索引针对医学本体 (如 meta map 和 umls) 的工具上, 但这种方法在计算资源、缺乏用户控制和仅医疗方面存在缺陷概念。基于统计和语义方法的混合方法似乎具有一些显著的优点。介绍将侧重于采取这两种办法的第一阶段工作, 并讨论这一过程中出现的一些具体技术问题。这是以与乔纳森·彼得森、基思·马歇尔、克里斯·弗罗和罗布·查伦的联合工作为基础的。
课程简介: The British Medical Journal Group (BMJ Group) has a wide and varied content set, including a suite of medical journals, online learning materials, best practice guidelines, clinical evidence summaries, a doc-2-doc online forum, and a portfolio system for doctors. There is an emerging need to aggregate accross these content types, providing a unified tagging and I inking system, so that related content can easily be retrieved across the group. The main use-cases include an improved search and browse capability, and the (semi-)automatic construction of "specialty portals", which may be clinical in nature (e.g. diabetes) or non-clinical (e.g. NHS reform). This provides a challenge to standard Pattern Analysis algorithms, due in part to the highly technical nature of the documents. Prior work has mainly been focussed on the use of tools that automatically index against a medical ontology (such as Meta Map and UMLS), but this approach has drawbacks in terms of computational resources, lack of user control, and limitations to medical-only concepts. A hybrid approach based on statistical and semantic methods appears to have some notable advantages. The presentation will focus on the first phase of work taking the two approaches, and talk about some specific technical issues that have arisen along the way. This is based on joint work with Jonathon Peterson, Keith Marshall, Chris Wroe, and Rob Challen.
关 键 词: 决策支持; 语义分析; 在线学习材料
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:wuyq
阅读次数: 55