
The rule of law and the role of the courts: The perception of law from within
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/pls07_accetto_trl/  
主讲教师: Matej Accetto
开课单位: 卢布尔雅那大学
开课时间: 2008-01-22
课程语种: 英语
正确理解法院作为政府独立部门在维护法治方面的作用, 是公众对一般法律, 特别是司法系统进行任何可行的评价的先决条件。从政府的两个 "政治" 部门以及公众的角度来看, 法院的作用是明显的, 而且很明显, 这大概将是会议其他会谈的重点;但这也在一定程度上取决于司法机构的自我定位, 这将是这一谈话的主要焦点 (或出发点)。可以通过多种方式处理此任务。在原则性层面, 协调 (内部) 独立 – 或自主 – 司法机构的需要与 (外部) 问责制的需要是一项挑战。在更具体的层面上, 它被转化为个人选择, 介于司法约束和司法行动主义的界限之间, 现在稍微 d é mod é "政治问题" 理论就是一个缩影。虽然这一理论本身近年来在法律辩论中有所消失, 但它提出的问题在今天仍然同样有效。法官是否应该制定政策?什么是适当的裁决领域, 什么是对政府其他部门的不当干预, 这条界限在哪里?司法行动主义能否被辩护为适当的, 如果是, 在何种程度和在何种情况下进行?如果在过渡社会中, 司法能动性有一定程度的提高, 如果它被用来促进司法独立的事业, 那么它是否有理由?该谈话将参照最近来自全球各地的实际和实际波动的例子来讨论这些问题, 从对金斯伯格法官在最近的莱德更好一案中的不同意见相对无害的学术质疑。古德伊尔轮胎 & 橡胶案, 呼吁国会 "纠正" 最高法院对某一立法的 "吝啬解读", 并试图 "推动立法变革", 以解决《宪法》的关键案例。不幸的是, 巴基斯坦非法驱逐大量法官, 企图扼杀司法自主权, 期待对政府不利的司法裁决。
课程简介: A proper understanding of the role of the courts in safeguarding the rule of law as an independent branch of government is a prerequisite for any viable public appreciation of the law in general and the judicial system in particular. This is notably and quite obviously the case with the perception of the role of the courts from the viewpoint of the two “political” branches of government as well as the general public, which will presumably be the focus of other talks in the conference; but it is also partly dependent upon the self-positioning of the judiciary, which will be the main focus (or the originating point) of this talk. This task may be addressed in several ways. At a principled level, it is the challenge of reconciling the (internal) need for an independent – or autonomous – judiciary with the (external) drive for its accountability. At a more concrete level, it is translated into individual choices that fall somewhere between the lines of judicial restraint and judicial activism, epitomized by the now slightly démodé “political question” doctrine. While the doctrine itself has somewhat disappeared from the legal debate in the recent years, the questions it posed remain just as valid today. Should judges be making policy? Where is the line to be made between what is the proper realm of adjudication and what goes beyond into improper interference with the other branches of government? Can judicial activism ever be defended as proper and, if so, to what extent and under what circumstances? May a certain increased level of judicial activism be justified in transitional societies, if and inasmuch as it is used to further the cause of judicial independence? The talk will address these questions with reference to recent examples from across the globe of their actuality and practical volatility, ranging from the relatively harmless academic questioning of Justice Ginsburg’s dissent in the recent Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber case, calling upon Congress to “correct” the Supreme Court’s “parsimonious reading” of a certain legislation and trying to “propel legislative change”, to the critical case of the unfortunate illegitimate ousting of absurdly vast numbers of judges in Pakistan as an attempt of stifling judicial autonomy in anticipation of judicial decisions unfavorable to the government.
关 键 词: 法律; 司法; 法治
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 72