对于发现潜在的光谱同行在1H NMR代谢组学的应用临床变量的一种新的贝叶斯方法

Part 1: A Novel Bayesian Approach for Uncovering Potential Spectroscopic Counterparts for Clinical Variables in 1H NMR Metabonomic Applications
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/pmsb06_ala_anb/  
主讲教师: Mika Ala-Korpela, Ville-Petteri Mäkinen
开课单位: 拉彭兰塔工业大学
开课时间: 2007-02-25
课程语种: 英语
基于光谱数据的代谢组学方法在生物医学中处于起步阶段。临床代谢组学的一个关键挑战是揭示和理解多维光谱数据与目前用于疾病风险评估和诊断的临床测量之间的关系。本文提供了一种用于揭示临床相关信号的新型贝叶斯方法,用于实际的1H NMR代谢组学数据集。结果不仅在数学上优越,而且在生物化学上也是完全一致的。
课程简介: Metabonomic approaches based on spectroscopic data are in their infancy in biomedicine. A key challenge in clinical metabonomics is uncovering and understanding the relations between the multidimensional spectroscopic data and the clinical measures currently used for disease risk assessment and diagnostics. A novel Bayesian approach for revealing clinically relevant signals is presented here for a real 1H NMR metabonomics data set. The results are not only mathematically superior but also biochemically fully coherent.
关 键 词: 贝叶斯学习; 生物医学; 临床
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:yumf
阅读次数: 48