

Lecture 6 - Habitats at Herculaneum and Early Roman Interior Decoration
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalehsar252s09_kleiner_lec06/  
主讲教师: Diana E. E. Kleiner
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-08-16
课程语种: 英语
克莱纳教授讨论了赫库兰尼姆的国内建筑以及罗马壁画的第一和第二风格。讲座首先介绍了赫库兰尼姆市的历史,当他们试图逃避维苏威火山的消失时,他们的一些居民遭遇了什么。她在赫库兰尼姆(Herculaneum)有三栋房屋,其中两栋 - 马赛克中庭和雄鹿屋 - 是公元62至79年间在坎帕尼亚流行的住宅风格的最佳典范之一。克莱纳教授随后转向第一或砌体罗马壁画的风格,旨在通过使用灰泥和油漆来模仿面对大理石的真实墙壁来复制希腊化国王和其他精英顾客的建筑建筑。她追随的是第二式罗马壁画,它只使用油漆将幻想的墙壁打开,以及神圣的神社,城市场景和风景的前景。讲座最后讨论了Primaporta的Livia别墅的花园房,它通过将平面墙变成全景窗来体现第二风格。读书任务:克拉里奇,阿曼达。罗马,第49页(室内装饰),130(奥古斯都之家),135(格里芬之家)沃德 - 珀金斯,约翰B.罗马帝国建筑,第185-195页学分:HSAR 252的讲座用图解说明超过1500张图片,其中许多来自Kleiner教授的个人收藏,以及来自各种来源的其他图片,特别是Wikimedia Commons,Google Earth和耶鲁大学出版社。该项目已重新绘制了一些计划和意见。
课程简介: Professor Kleiner discusses domestic architecture at Herculaneum and the First and Second Styles of Roman wall painting. The lecture begins with an introduction to the history of the city of Herculaneum and what befell some of its inhabitants when they tried to escape obliteration by Vesuvius. She features three houses in Herculaneum, two of which--the Houses of the Mosaic Atrium and the Stags--are among the best examples of a residential style popular in Campania between A.D. 62 and 79. Professor Kleiner then turns to the First or Masonry Style of Roman wall painting, which seeks to replicate the built architecture of Hellenistic kings and other elite patrons by using stucco and paint to imitate a real wall faced with marble. She follows with Second Style Roman wall painting, which uses only paint to open up the wall illusionistically onto vistas and prospects of sacred shrines, city scenes, and landscapes. The lecture concludes with a discussion of the Garden Room from the Villa of Livia at Primaporta, which epitomizes the Second Style by transforming the flat wall into a panoramic window. Reading assignment: Claridge, Amanda. Rome, pp. 49 (interior decoration), 130 (House of Augustus), 135 (House of the Griffins) Ward-Perkins, John B. Roman Imperial Architecture, pp. 185-195 Credits: The lectures in HSAR 252 are illustrated with over 1,500 images, many from Professor Kleiner's personal collection, along with others from a variety of sources, especially Wikimedia Commons, Google Earth, and Yale University Press. Some plans and views have been redrawn for this project. 
关 键 词: 顶级; 架构; 室内装饰
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2022-02-23:liyy
阅读次数: 90