

Lecture 18 - Literary Prophecy: Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum and Habbakuk
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalerlst145f06_hayes_lec18/  
主讲教师: Christine Hayes
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2011-02-16
课程语种: 英语
讨论了弥迦,八世纪的南方先知和以赛亚的当代。在结构上,弥迦书改变了三个毁灭和毁灭的预言,以及三个希望和复兴的预言。弥迦攻击了锡安不可侵犯性的学说,并在他对国家的谴责中采用了立约诉讼(或riv)的文学形式。还讨论了几本简短的预言书:西番雅; Nahum书,描绘了亚述的垮台,并以其生动的诗意风格而着称;和哈巴谷书,其中包含对上帝行为的哲学思考。讲座的最后部分转向了耶利米的冗长的书。耶利米在毁灭和流放时是一位先知,他预言70年后流亡的结束以及将要铭刻在国家心中的新约。
课程简介: Micah, eighth-century southern prophet and contemporary of Isaiah, is discussed. Structurally, the book of Micah alternates three prophecies of doom and destruction and three prophecies of hope and restoration. Micah attacks the doctrine of the inviolability of Zion and employs the literary form of a covenant lawsuit (or riv) in his denunciation of the nation. Several short prophetic books are also discussed: Zephaniah; the Book of Nahum, depicting the downfall of Assyria and distinguished for its vivid poetic style; and the book of Habbakuk, which contains philosophical musings on God's behavior. The final part of the lecture turns to the lengthy book of Jeremiah. A prophet at the time of the destruction and exile, Jeremiah predicted an end to the exile after 70 years and a new covenant that would be inscribed on the hearts of the nation.
关 键 词: 顶级; 哲学; 人文历史
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:wuyq
阅读次数: 36