

Lecture 15 - Don Quixote, Part II: Chapters XII-XXI
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalespan300f09_echevarria_lec15/  
主讲教师: Roberto González Echevarría
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-09-28
课程语种: 英语
贡兹·贝斯·埃切瓦尔 í 一开始回顾了西班牙巴洛克式的德森加 ñ 奥。他提出, 《吉诃德》的情节和第二部分中的一些故事从欺骗 (恩加 ñ o) 到幻灭 (desenga ñ o) 展开。随后, 他将注意力转向了《 "神仙" 和 "语言实证主义》中包含的奥尔巴奇和斯皮策的文章, 这些文章分别试图描述贡兹·莱斯·埃切瓦尔 á í"塞万泰安, "的特殊性, 定义了塞万提斯的思想和风格。在讲座的第二部分, 他评论了本周分配给他们的剧集, 试图解释它们的主要特点和与第一部分的对应关系。怀疑在《吉诃德》第二部分很常见, 暗示人物与自己相遇, 寻找意义和身份。讲座结束时, 塞万提斯的一个典型故事, "玻璃毕业生的评论。
课程简介: González Echevarría starts by reviewing the Spanish baroque concept of desengaño. He proposes that the plot of the Quixote and some of the stories in part two unfold from deceit (engaño) to disillusionment (desengaño). He then turns his attention to Auerbach and Spitzer's essays included in the Casebook ("Enchanted Dulcinea" and "Linguistic Perspectivism" respectively) that try to describe what González Echevarría calls the "Cervantean," the particularities that define Cervantes' mind and style. In the second part of the lecture he comments on the episodes assigned for this week trying to explain their main characteristics and correspondence with part one. Doubting is common in Part II of the Quixote, suggesting that the characters meet with themselves to find meaning and identity. The lecture ends with the comments on one of Cervantes' Exemplary Stories, "The Glass Graduate."
关 键 词: 人文; 文学; 堂吉诃德
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:wuyq
阅读次数: 42