
History of Public Health
课程网址: http://ocw.jhsph.edu/index.cfm/go/viewCourse/course/HistoryPublic...  
主讲教师: Graham Mooney, PhD
开课单位: 布隆博格公共卫生学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
在公共卫生史上,我们将从人口角度审视健康和疾病的历史经验。本材料旨在揭示社会组织如何促进或减轻疾病的产生和传播。它还询问人口和群体如何确保他们的健康?一个关键的主题是以某种形式对空间进行医疗管理 - 从环境的公共空间到学校和工作场所等机构空间,再到个人/个人身体空间。讲座的进展反映了这一点,“向内”工作。从环境到个人。 该内容提供了对当今世界公共卫生理论和实践如何成为现实的历史解释。我们将主要集中在现代世界(即1750年以后),并省略对古代和中世纪公共卫生的详细检查,尽管这些时间段将经常被提及。将采用主题而非按时间顺序排列的结构,以便在几个世纪以及全球不同地区之间进行比较。
课程简介: In the History of Public Health we will examine the historical experience of health and illness from a population perspective. This material seeks to reveal how the organization of societies facilitates or mitigates the production and transmission of disease. It also asks how do populations and groups of individuals go about securing their health? One key theme is the medical management of space in one form or another - from the public space of the environment through institutional spaces such as schools and workplaces to personal/individual body space. The progression of the lectures reflects this, working "inwards" from the environment to individuals. The content provides an historical interpretation of how the theory and practice of public health in today's world has come to be what it is. We will concentrate primarily on the modern world (i.e., 1750 onwards) and omit detailed examination of public health in antiquity and the middle ages, although these time periods will be alluded to frequently. A thematic rather than chronological structure will be adopted so that comparisons can be made across the centuries and between different parts of the globe.
关 键 词: 一般公共卫生; 人口的角度; 健康
课程来源: 布隆博格公共卫生学院公开课
最后编审: 2016-04-07:cmh
阅读次数: 53