初级保健部分:初级保健的介绍和过程Primary Care Part I: Selected Presentations and A Course in Primary Care |
课程网址: | http://ocw.jhsph.edu/index.cfm/go/viewCourse/course/starfieldcour... |
主讲教师: | Barbara Starfield |
开课单位: | 布隆博格公共卫生学院 |
开课时间: | 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | starfield 博士更新了她的开创性书籍《初级保健: 概念、评价、政策和初级保健: 平衡保健需求、服务和技术》, 其中包括6次特邀讲座, 以及一个11节讲座课程, 审查其含义、实践,初级保健的有效性。主题包括疾病、发病率、初级保健创新、健康公平和差距、预防和专家护理。 |
课程简介: | Part I of Dr. Starfield's update of her seminal books, Primary Care: Concept, Evaluation, and Policy and Primary Care: Balancing Health Needs, Services, and Technology, comprises 6 invited lectures plus an 11-lecture course that examines the meaning, practice, and effectiveness of primary care. Topics include disease, morbidity, primary care innovations, health equities and disparities, prevention, and specialist care. |
关 键 词: | 卫生政策; 介绍; 初级保健 |
课程来源: | 布隆博格公共卫生学院公开课 |
最后编审: | 2016-03-08:cmh |
阅读次数: | 34 |