复杂人道主义紧急情况下的水卫生需求Water Sanitation Needs in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies |
课程网址: | http://ocw.jhsph.edu/index.cfm/go/viewCourse/course/watersanitati... |
主讲教师: | Leslie Roberts |
开课单位: | 布隆博格公共卫生学院 |
开课时间: | 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 介绍了水和卫生设施对人类健康影响的历史概况;现有的、特别适合因战争、饥荒、干旱和经济动荡而流离失所的难民人口的各类水和卫生设施及设备;以及评估和量化水和卫生需求的方法。 |
课程简介: | Presents a historical overview of the influence of water and sanitation on human health; types of water and sanitation facilities and equipment presently available and particularly suited to refugee populations displaced by war, famine, drought, and economic turmoil; and methodologies for assessing and quantifying water and sanitation needs. |
关 键 词: | 环境; 全球健康; 难民健康 |
课程来源: | 布隆博格公共卫生学院公开课 |
最后编审: | 2016-03-24:cmh |
阅读次数: | 44 |