

9.69 Foundations of Cognition
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/9-69-foun...  
主讲教师: Prof. Josh Tenenbaum ; Prof. Lera Boroditsky
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
认知科学的进步已经解决、澄清了, 有时甚至使西方哲学的一些重大问题复杂化: 世界的结构是什么, 我们是如何认识它的;每个人都以同样的方式代表世界吗?什么是我们在这个世界上行动的最好方式。具体主题包括颜色、对象、数量、类别、相似性、归纳推理、空间、时间、因果关系、推理、决策、道德和意识。阅读和讨论包括每个主题的简要哲学历史, 并侧重于认知和发展心理学、计算、神经科学和相关领域的进步。认知科学、心理学、哲学、语言学或人工智能中至少需要一门学科。研究生学分还需要一个额外的项目。
课程简介: Advances in cognitive science have resolved, clarified, and sometimes complicated some of the great questions of Western philosophy: what is the structure of the world and how do we come to know it; does everyone represent the world the same way; what is the best way for us to act in the world. Specific topics include color, objects, number, categories, similarity, inductive inference, space, time, causality, reasoning, decision-making, morality and consciousness. Readings and discussion include a brief philosophical history of each topic and focus on advances in cognitive and developmental psychology, computation, neuroscience, and related fields. At least one subject in cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, or artificial intelligence is required. An additional project is required for graduate credit.
关 键 词: 认知科学; 西方哲学; 结构; 色彩; 相似性; 归纳推理; 推理; 决策; 道德; 意识; 发展心理学; 神经科学; 哲学; 语言学计算
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-08:cmh
阅读次数: 17