
International Economics I (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/economics/14-581-international-economi...  
主讲教师: Prof. Arnaud Costinot, Prof. Dave Donaldson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-01-01
课程语种: 英语
本课程以理论和经验为重点, 涵盖国际贸易中的高级主题 (以及区域间贸易和经济地理)。它包括研究积极问题, 例如: 各国为什么要贸易?各国交易哪些商品?开放对生产、工业、职业和创新活动的地点有什么影响?而且, 是什么阻碍了贸易, 为什么一些国家故意为贸易设置政策障碍?课程还涉及规范问题, 如: 贸易开放是否有利于代表代理人?而且, 贸易是否有赢家和输家, 如果有, 我们能否确定他们?在整个过程中, 这些问题在新古典主义环境中以及在市场失灵的环境中, 在行业一级和公司一级, 在移动和非移动因素 (如外国直接投资、任务离岸外包、跨国公司和企业) 的存在下, 都在处理。移民)。
课程简介: This course covers, with a focus on both theory and empirics, advanced topics in international trade (as well as inter-regional trade and economic geography.) It includes the study of positive issues, such as: Why do countries trade? What goods do countries trade? What are the implications of openness for the location of production, industries, occupations, and innovative activity? And, what impedes trade and why do some countries deliberately erect policy impediments to trade? The course also concerns normative issues, such as: Is trade openness beneficial to a representative agent? And, are there winners and losers from trade and if so, can we identify them? Throughout, these issues are approached in neoclassical settings as well as those with market failures, at the industry-level as well as the firm-level, and in the presence of both mobile and immobile factors (e.g., FDI, offshoring of tasks, multinational firms and immigration).
关 键 词: 理论; 经验主义; 高级主题; 国际贸易
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-21:gmj
阅读次数: 106