
6.945 Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-sc...  
主讲教师: Prof. Gerald Sussman
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
本课程涵盖设计和实现大型软件系统的概念和技术, 这些系统可适应设计人员未预期的用途。应用程序包括编译器、计算机代数系统、演绎系统和一些人工智能应用程序。主题包括组合器、泛型操作、模式匹配、模式定向调用、规则系统、回溯、依赖关系、不确定性、记忆化、约束传播和增量细化。大量的每周编程任务是这一主题的一个组成部分。将使用 mitx-gnu 方案进行广泛的编程任务。学生应在计划、公共 lisp、haskell、saml 或其他一些 "功能" 语言方面有丰富的编程经验。
课程简介: This course covers concepts and techniques for the design and implementation of large software systems that can be adapted to uses not anticipated by the designer. Applications include compilers, computer-algebra systems, deductive systems, and some artificial intelligence applications. Topics include combinators, generic operations, pattern matching, pattern-directed invocation, rule systems, backtracking, dependencies, indeterminacy, memoization, constraint propagation, and incremental refinement. Substantial weekly programming assignments are an integral part of the subject. There will be extensive programming assignments, using MIT/GNU Scheme. Students should have significant programming experience in Scheme, Common Lisp, Haskell, CAML or some other "functional" language.
关 键 词: 符号编程; 添加剂系统; 语言层; 直接调用; AMB; 回溯; 传播系统; 约束; 真值维护; 结构及计算机公关解释
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-13:cmh
阅读次数: 47