
21L.015 Introduction to Media Studies
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-015-introduction-to-med...  
主讲教师: Prof. Andrea Walsh
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
媒体研究导论是为那些在迅速变化的全球多媒体环境中成长起来的学生设计的, 他们希望成为更有文化和批评力的消费者和生产者。通过跨学科的比较和历史视角, 该课程将 "媒体" 广泛界定为包括口头、印刷、戏剧、摄影、广播、电影和数字文化形式和实践。该课程考察了中介传播的性质、媒体的功能、媒体转型的历史以及有助于确定媒体在社会中地位的机构。在这学期里, 我们探索了关于媒体在社会中影响我们的社会价值观、政治信仰、身份和行为的作用和力量的不同理论视角。学生还有机会分析特定的媒体文本 (如电影和电视节目), 并探讨当特定叙事适应不同媒体形式时发生的变化的含义。我们研究阶级、性别和种族政治如何影响媒体的制作和接受。为了在媒体上代表不同的观点, 几位特邀发言人也作了演讲。通过阅读、讲座和讨论以及自己的写作和口头陈述, 学生有多种机会参与该领域的关键辩论, 并探讨媒体在自己生活中的作用。
课程简介: Introduction to Media Studies is designed for students who have grown up in a rapidly changing global multimedia environment and want to become more literate and critical consumers and producers of culture. Through an interdisciplinary comparative and historical lens, the course defines "media" broadly as including oral, print, theatrical, photographic, broadcast, cinematic, and digital cultural forms and practices. The course looks at the nature of mediated communication, the functions of media, the history of transformations in media and the institutions that help define media's place in society. Over the course of the semester we explore different theoretical perspectives on the role and power of media in society in influencing our social values, political beliefs, identities and behaviors. Students also have the opportunity to analyze specific media texts (such as films and television shows) and explore the meaning of the changes that occur when a particular narrative is adapted into different media forms. We look at the ways in which the politics of class, gender and race influence both the production and reception of media. To represent different perspectives on media, several guest speakers also present lectures. Through the readings, lectures, and discussions as well as their own writing and oral presentations, students have multiple opportunities to engage with critical debates in the field as well as explore the role of media in their own lives.
关 键 词: 比较文学; 大众传媒; 现代文化; 社会价值观; 广播; 电视; 出版; 数字技术; 历史; 广告; 摄影; 口述文化; 文化形态; 政治信仰
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-22:cmh
阅读次数: 89