
Modern Poetry
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-487-modern-poetry-sprin...  
主讲教师: Prof. Stephen Tapscott
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
本课程考虑了20世纪初美国一些实质性的诗意声音。作者各不相同, 但可能包括摩尔、弗罗斯特、艾略特、史蒂文斯和庞德。我们将阅读20世纪英语中最重要的诗人的主要诗歌, 特别是一战后幻灭和早期二战国际主义 (约 1918-1940) 之间的时期。我们这个术语的特别重点将是 "形象的概念" 在这一时期是如何演变的。战争削弱了对民族主义和帝国的主要叙述以及支持他们的语言系统 (宗教超越、理性主义和形式主义) 的信念。20世纪初, 诗人从前世纪的象征运动中获取能量, 开始重新思考图像如何承载信息, 以及视觉、远见和语言形象以何种方式取代超越性信仰。语言学和人类学的新理论有助于提高人们对艺术/宗教形象的兴趣。弗洛伊德也是查理·卓别林的电影也是如此。我们将阅读既注意这种幻灭的诗歌, 也关注对形象的补偿快乐的关注: 诗歌般的语言牧师的思想, 作为取代宗教的冲动的审美体验, 诗歌作为信仰、仪式和形式。
课程简介: This course considers some of the substantial early twentieth-century poetic voices in America. Authors vary, but may include Moore, Frost, Eliot, Stevens, and Pound. We'll read the major poems by the most important poets in English in the 20th century, emphazinig especially the period between post-WWI disillusionment and early WW II internationalism (ca. 1918-1940). Our special focus this term will be how the concept of "the Image" evolved during this period. The War had undercut beliefs in master-narratives of nationalism and empire, and the language-systems that supported them (religious transcendence, rationalism and formalism). Retrieving energies from the Symbolist movements of the preceding century, early 20th century poets began to rethink how images carry information, and in what ways the visual, visionary, and verbal image can take the place of transcendent beliefs. New theories of linguistics and anthropology helped to advance this interest in the artistic/religious image. So did Freud. So did Charlie Chaplin films. We'll read poems that pay attention both to this disillusionment and to the compensatory joyous attention to the image: to ideas of the poet-as-language-priest, aesthetic-experience-as-displaced-religious impulse, to poetry as faith, ritual, and form.
关 键 词: 现代诗; 图默; 文学
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-22:gmj
阅读次数: 73