
21L.705 / SP.512 Major Authors: John Milton
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-705-major-authors-john-...  
主讲教师: Prof. Mary Fuller
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2008-01-01
课程语种: 英语
1667年, 约翰·弥尔顿出版了他所打算的既是诗意事业的最高成就, 也是上帝对人类的方式的证明: 一首史诗, 重述和重新想象了《圣经》中关于创造、诱惑和原罪的故事。即使在充满敌意的政治气候下, 《失乐园》也几乎立即被认为是经典, 经典的一个命运将被崇拜者和对手改写。在本次研讨会上, 我们将阅读《失乐园》以及20世纪的幻想和科幻小说, 这些作品重新思考了弥尔顿的文字及其来源。学生应该来参加研讨会, 至少直接看一次《失乐园》;这可以通过 iap 主题, 阅读失乐园 (21l 995), 或独立。二十世纪的作者将包括 c. s. lewis (perelandra、lion、女巫和衣柜) 和菲利普·普尔曼 (他的黑暗材料), 以及各种批评。每周, 一次班会将集中在弥尔顿, 另一次会将集中在一部现代小说上。
课程简介: In 1667, John Milton published what he intended both as the crowning achievement of a poetic career and a justification of God's ways to man: an epic poem which retold and reimagined the Biblical story of creation, temptation, and original sin. Even in a hostile political climate, Paradise Lost was almost immediately recognized as a classic, and one fate of a classic is to be rewritten, both by admirers and by antagonists. In this seminar, we will read Paradise Lost alongside works of 20th century fantasy and science fiction which rethink both Milton's text and its source. Students should come to the seminar having read Paradise Lost straight through at least once; this can be accomplished by taking the IAP subject, Reading Paradise Lost (21L.995), or independently. Twentieth century authors will include C. S. Lewis (Perelandra, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and Philip Pullman (His Dark Materials), as well as assorted criticism. Each week, one class meeting will focus on Milton, and the other on one of the modern novels.
关 键 词: 约翰密尔顿; 失乐园; 文艺复兴时期的文学; 中世纪文学; 诗歌; 史诗; 宗教诗歌; 文学批评; 文学分析; 黄金罗盘; 圣经
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2024-05-24:chenjy
阅读次数: 27