
17.508 The Rise and Fall of Democracy/ Regime Change
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/political-science/17-508-the-rise-and-...  
主讲教师: Prof. Chappell Lawson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
政变、内战、革命与和平过渡是 "真正的东西" 政治学。它们向我们展示了政治为何重要, 并突出了体制危机时期政治选择的后果。这个课程将帮助你理解民主国家为什么出现, 为什么它们会死亡, 从古代到南欧、东欧和发展中世界最近的民主化浪潮。没有什么比政治制度的崩溃更引人注目的了, 无论是通过暴力冲突还是通过新政治机构的和平谈判。解释政权崩溃的原因、新政权的出现以及如何巩固这些新政权, 是政治学中最重要的问题之一。毫不奇怪, 几个世纪以来, 政权更迭一直困扰着学者, 从亚里士多德到马基雅维利, 再到马克思, 再到当前的民主化理论家。在转向更详细地审查一些历史上最著名和理论上最有趣的政治过渡之前, 你将回顾对政权更迭的几种广泛解释: 魏玛共和国在德国的崩溃;智利的民主崩溃、军事独裁的巩固和重新民主化;英国殖民统治在马萨诸塞州海湾殖民地的崩溃;和墨西哥旷日持久的政治过渡。西班牙、南非和韩国将对民主化问题进行较短的讨论;以及巴西、奥地利和意大利的民主崩溃。
课程简介: Coups, civil wars, revolutions, and peaceful transitions are the "real stuff" of political science. They show us why politics matters, and they highlight the consequences of political choices in times of institutional crisis. This course will help you understand why democracies emerge and why they die, from ancient times to the recent wave of democratization in Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, and the developing world. Few things are more dramatic than the collapse of a political system, whether through violent conflict or the peaceful negotiation of new political institutions. Explaining why regimes break down, why new ones emerge, and how these new regimes are consolidated are among the most important questions in political science. Not surprisingly, regime change has obsessed scholars for centuries, from Aristotle to Machiavelli to Marx to current theorists of democratization. You will review several broad explanations for regime change before turning to more detailed examination of some of history's most famous and theoretically interesting political transitions: the collapse of the Weimar Republic in Germany; democratic breakdown, the consolidation of military dictatorship, and re-democratization in Chile; the breakdown of British colonial rule in the Massachussets Bay Colony; and protracted political transition in Mexico. There will be shorter discussions of democratization in Spain, South Africa, and South Korea; as well as democratic collapse in Brazil, Austria, and Italy.
关 键 词: 政变; 内战; 革命; 民主化; 制度危机; 南欧; 东欧; 发展中国家
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-15:cmh
阅读次数: 49