
11.201 Gateway: Planning Action
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/urban-studies-and-planning/11-201-gate...  
主讲教师: Prof. Xavier de Souza Briggs
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
本课程向参加城市规划硕士 (mcp) 课程的新生介绍符合公众利益的规划理论和历史。它主要依靠具有挑战性的现实案例来突出持续存在的困境: 规划的力量和局限性、规划人员在全球社区中的多重角色, 以及政治、伦理和实际困境,规划师在努力发挥效力时面临着自己的问题。因此, 本课程介绍了界定实地标签 "规划理论、" 以及 (必然) 浓缩的现代规划全球历史的主要想法和辩论。在美国门户规划的所有经认可的研究生课程中, 规划历史、政治和道德 — 往往需要几个 —: 规划行动结合了这些内容, 更加注重现实世界中的案例, 而不是更多传统的讲师规划理论和历史课程在其他学校。它还增加了一些机会, 以加强实际的专业能力, 特别是在沟通方面。
课程简介: This course introduces incoming students in the Master in City Planning (MCP) program to the theory and history of planning in the public interest. It relies primarily on challenging real-world cases to highlight persistent dilemmas: the power and limits of planning, the multiple roles in which planners find themselves in communities around the globe, and the political, ethical, and practical dilemmas that planners face as they try to be effective. As such, the course provides an introduction to the major ideas and debates that define what the field labels "planning theory," as well as a (necessarily) condensed global history of modern planning. Courses in planning history, politics, and ethics—often several of them—are required in all accredited graduate programs in planning in the U.S. Gateway: Planning Action combines those contents, with a stronger focus on real-world cases than more conventional lecture-based planning theory and history courses at other schools. It also adds several opportunities to strengthen hands-on professional competencies, especially in communication.
关 键 词: 规划中的公共利益; 理论和规划的历史; 专业沟通; 规划行动; 明智和公平的干预; 城市规划
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-28:cmh
阅读次数: 50