
Political Economy of Development Projects: Targeting the Poor
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/urban-studies-and-planning/11-471-targ...  
主讲教师: Prof. Judith Tendler
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-01-01
课程语种: 英语
该课程涉及公共部门的政策、方案和项目, 这些政策、方案和项目试图通过直接创收活动和就业来减少发展中国家的贫穷和失业。所涉及的议题是: (1) 就业和地方经济发展, 特别是与非正规部门、中小企业和工人有关的问题;(2) 地方经济发展举措的政治经济学;(3) 从政策和执行经验中吸取的教训;(四) 劳动者的条件、标准和权利;(5) 小型 (往往是中型) 公司之间以及工人之间的协会。该课程将这些方法与关于减贫、经济发展、政治和政府改革的更广泛文献联系起来。报告讨论了最有利于公平结果的倡议、任务和环境的类型, 并在所达成的理解中强调了为什么某些倡议有效, 而另一些倡议无效。
课程简介: This course treats public-sector policies, programs, and projects that attempt to reduce poverty and unemployment in developing countries through directly income-generating activities and employment. Topics covered are (1) employment and local economic development, particularly as related to the informal sector, small and medium enterprises, and workers; (2) the political economy of local economic-development initiatives; (3) lessons from policy and implementation experiences; (4) worker conditions, standards, and rights; and (5) associations among small (and often medium) firms, and among workers. The course links these approaches to the broader literature on poverty reduction, economic development, politics, and the reform of government. It discusses the types of initiatives, tasks, and environments that are most conducive to equitable outcomes, and emphasizes throughout the understandings gained about why certain initiatives work and others do not.
关 键 词: 减少贫困; 发展经济; 政府改革
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-24:gmj
阅读次数: 33