

21W.777 The Science Essay
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/writing-and-humanistic-studies/21w-777...  
主讲教师: Dr. Karen Boiko
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
科学论文用科学来思考人类的状况;它运用人本主义思维来反思科学技术的可能性和局限性。在这个课堂上, 我们阅读和实践写作不同长度和目的的科学论文。我们将阅读各种各样的科学论文, 跨越学科, 既能更多地了解这种类型, 又能激发你自己的写作。本学期的阅读以《黑暗面》为中心, "文章从阿兰·莱特曼的" 《连线世界的囚徒 "通过罗宾·马兰茨·海尼格对纳米技术的警示 (《我们的银包未来》) 到大卫quammen 对从动物跳到人类的疾病的调查 (死接触)。
课程简介: The science essay uses science to think about the human condition; it uses humanistic thinking to reflect on the possibilities and limits of science and technology. In this class we read and practice writing science essays of varied lengths and purposes. We will read a wide variety of science essays, ranging across disciplines, both to learn more about this genre and to inspire your own writing. This semester's reading centers on "The Dark Side," with essays ranging from Alan Lightman's "Prisoner of the Wired World" through Robin Marantz Henig's cautionary account of nano-technology (״Our Silver-Coated Future״) to David Quammen's investigation of diseases that jump from animals to humans (״Deadly Contact״).
关 键 词: 技术; 创新性非小说; 科学写作; 科学技术与社会; 回忆录; 科普; 科学文献; 公众对科学的理解; 辩论; 新闻; 自然
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2016-03-19:cmh
阅读次数: 35