
Water and Diplomacy: Integration of Science, Engineering and Diplomacy, Spring 2011
课程网址: http://ocw.tufts.edu/Course/62  
主讲教师: Shafiqul Islam ; William Moomaw
开课单位: 塔夫茨大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: The overarching aim of this seminar is to prepare a new generation of interdisciplinary water professionals who will think across boundaries, emphasize integration of knowledge, link knowledge and action from multiple perspectives to help reduce water conflicts and increase the distribution of benefits among partners through mutual gains negotiations. Rather than start at the disciplinary level, students will begin by defining the issues and problems of water use and management from multiple perspectives. They will learn "systems thinking" and apply effective combination of analytical tools from appropriate disciplines to develop possible solutions.We have four goals within the framework of a carefully integrated set of activities to achieve our aim. They are tounderstand tensions and complementarities between science and policy to design integrated approaches to address water conflicts through mutual gains negotiations;integrate joint fact finding methodologies to iteratively refine the problem definition before attempting to find solutions; create collaborative opportunities by establishing an academic culture which promotes dual-mentoring, co-teaching of classes, and co-publication of findings on jointly defined water conflicts; anddesign integrative activities to develop and sustain a community of scholars and provide a "common experience" to all participating students and faculty.The course contains three learning modules: Module-M1a: Water Science and Systems; Module M1b: Policy Sciences and Environmental Economics; and Module-M2: Water: Conflicts, Negotiations, and Cooperation. A unique feature of these planned modules is the student-teacher partnership in the development and offering of these modules. Social science students will help teach economics and policy, and science and engineering students will help teach the water science and systems.
关 键 词: 水资源; 水科学; 水政策; 水科学与水系统; 政策科学; 环境经济学; 水资源冲突
课程来源: 塔夫茨大学公开课
最后编审: 2016-04-10:cmh
阅读次数: 43