

King Lear to In the loop : fiction and British politics
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=68ec2035...  
主讲教师: James Graham
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2009-12-11
课程语种: 英语
2009年12月11日,诺丁汉大学英国政治中心在英国科学院举行了一次会议,会议召集了政治家、作家和学者,探讨英国政治和小说的相互作用。除会议外,当天还与一些发言者进行了几次视频采访。在伦敦的小说和英国政治会议上,剧作家詹姆斯·格雷厄姆(Toryboyz,小夫人,约克之子)在接受采访时谈到了他对待政治小说的态度以及什么激励了他。适合本科生学习和社区教育,政治剧作家詹姆斯格雷厄姆为戏剧、广播、电影和电视写作。他因其戏剧《伊甸园帝国》(Eden's Empire)获得2007年凯瑟琳•约翰逊(Catherine Johnson)最佳戏剧奖,并于2006年获得皮尔逊戏剧写作奖学金。他是芬伯勒剧院的常驻作家,也是皇家法院/BBC 50计划的成员。詹姆斯为国家青年剧院(National Youth Theatre)演出的托利•博伊兹(Tory Boyz)在索霍剧院(Soho Theatre)的演出中因其在现代保守党(Modern Conservative Party)中刻画年轻的同性恋男子而引发了一场风暴,并获得了好评。他为电视拍摄的第一部电影陷入了陷阱,2008年节礼日在ITV1上播出,并在同一年被选为广播杂志的热门影片之一。2010年初,他接受了多家电视公司的委托,他的戏剧《威士忌品酒师》在布什剧院首映。英国政治中心设在大学政治与国际关系学院。网址:[url][url][url].nottingham.ac.uk/politics/cbp
课程简介: On 11 December 2009, Nottingham University's Centre for British Politics held a conference at the British Academy that dre[url] together politicians, [url]riters and academics to explore the interaction of British politics and fiction. In addition to the conference several video intervie[url]s [url]ere conducted [url]ith some of the speakers on the day. In this intervie[url] taken at the Fiction and British Politics Conference in London, play[url]right James Graham (Toryboyz, Little Madam, Sons of York) talks about his approach to political fiction and [url]hat inspires him. Suitable for Undergraduate study and community education James Graham, Political Play[url]right James Graham [url]rites for theatre, radio, film and television. He [url]on the Catherine Johnson A[url]ard for the Best Play 2007 for his play Eden's Empire and [url]as a[url]arded the Pearson Play[url]riting Bursary in 2006. He is Writer in Residence at the Finborough Theatre and a member of the Royal Court/BBC 50 scheme. James's play Tory Boyz for the National Youth Theatre caused a storm during its run at the Soho Theatre for its portrayal of young, gay men in the modern Conservative Party and received excellent revie[url]s. His first film for television, Caught in a Trap, [url]as broadcast on ITV1 on Boxing Day 2008 and [url]as picked as one of the Broadcast Magazine Hotshots in the same year. He is under commission from a number of TV companies and his play The Whiskey Taster premieres at the Bush Theatre in early 2010. The Centre for British Politics is based in the University's School of Politics and International Relations. [url][url][url].nottingham.ac.uk/politics/cbp
关 键 词: 小说; 英国政治; 教育
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2017-01-09:gmj
阅读次数: 58