

User-generated content : archeologies, economies and ecologies
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=98fe7bc8...  
主讲教师: Professor Jon Dovey
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2017-03-31
课程语种: 英语
在电影和电视研究所短暂的媒体研讨会上,Jon Dovey (UWE)教授介绍了他对用户生成内容的研究。请注意:?演讲开始于一段五分钟的视频剪辑——随后开始主旨演讲。表示生产/交付:2009年6月/ 7月适合:本科学习和社区教育作家、主持人:英格兰西部的大学教授乔恩·Dovey Jon最近被任命为新教师的创造性艺术大学的英格兰西部,以提高媒体研究的概要文件。这方面的工具将是数字文化研究中心(Digital culture Research Centre),该中心将与遍布媒体工作室的行业和学术界进行对接。Jon是互动媒体和游戏领域的领军人物,在他职业生涯的前15年,他一直从事视频制作,在第四频道的早期,他是一名研究员、编辑,最终成为制片人。他主要从事纪录片和实验录像工作,并于1984年与人合作创办了原创的scratch艺术家大猩猩磁带。他的视频项目获得了国际发行和认可,并已在英国视频艺术史上占有一席之地。1990年搬到布里斯托尔后,他在分水岭媒体中心工作了两年,1992年在普利茅斯大学任教,之后又在西英格兰大学文化研究学院和布里斯托尔大学任教。作为布里斯托尔大学戏剧系的系主任,他在大学规划阶段试验了1300万英镑的重建项目。
课程简介: In this presentation from the Institute of Film and Television Studies' Ephemeral Media workshops, Professor Jon Dovey (UWE) presents his research into user-generated content. PLEASE NOTE: The? presntation begins with a five minute video clip - keynote begins thereafter. Presentation produced/delivered: June/July 2009 Suitable for: Undergraduate study and community education Author and Presenter: Professor Jon Dovey, University of the West of England Jon has recently been appointed to the new Faculty of Creative Arts at University of the West of England with a view to raising the profile of media research there. The vehicle for this will be the Digital Cultures Research Centre, interfacing industry and academia, based at the Pervasive Media Studio. Jon is a leading researcher in the field of interactive media and gaming and spent the first 15 years of his working life in video production, working through the early years of Channel Four as a researcher, editor and eventually as Producer. He worked principally in documentary and experimental video, co founding original scratch artists Gorilla Tapes in 1984. His video projects gained international distribution and recognition and have now taken their place in the documented histories of UK Video Art. After moving to Bristol in 1990 he worked at the Watershed Media Centre for two years before teaching at the University of Plymouth in 1992 and then at both the University of the West of England School of Cultural Studies and the University of Bristol. As Head of the Department of Drama at Bristol University he piloted a £13m redevelopment through University planning stages.
关 键 词: biology; genetic; cell
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-10-11:yumf
阅读次数: 32