
Artificial Business Intelligence: Scaling Beyond the Real World with Cyc and LarKC
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/active09_witbrock_abi/  
主讲教师: Michael Witbrock
开课单位: IBM公司
开课时间: 2009-10-20
课程语种: 英语
在过去的几年里,在语义、知识和上下文技术以及知识管理方法方面取得了重大进展。当这些技术应用于知识的捕获、形式化和自动重用时,它们正变得特别有效。尤其是,Cycorp已经在特定的情报和医疗领域演示了这些技术。同样,尽管它们可以应用于管理业务复杂性以提供ABI人工商业智能的问题。随着Web2.0范式的出现,自由和开放的信息资源的可用性激增,扩大了构建能够学习、推理和推测的真正人工智能解决方案的前景。在我的演讲中,我将讨论短期内可以解决的一般问题,一部分是利用现有知识,另一部分是人与机器之间的协作。我将展示部分解决方案的一些示例,并详细描述更完整解决方案的组件。讨论将集中在将人工智能技术扩展到实际应用的问题上,包括非常大、推理复杂的知识库(如cyc),以及网络规模推理技术(FP7 Larkc项目的目标)。
课程简介: In the last few years significant advancement has been achieved in semantic, knowledge and context technologies as well as in methods for knowledge management. These technologies are becoming especially effective when applied to the capture, formalization and automated reuse of knowledge. In particular, these techniques have been demonstrated by Cycorp in specific intelligence and medical domains. Equally, though they may be applied to problems of managing business complexity to provide ABI - Artificial Business Intelligence. The explosion of availability of free and open information resources following the emergence of the Web2.0 paradigm has widened the prospects for constructing real Artificial Intelligence solutions that are able to learn, to reason and to speculate. In my talk I'll discuss the general class of problems that should be solvable in the near term, in part by exploiting available knowledge, and in part by collaboration between people and machines. I'll show some examples of partial solutions, and describe in some detail the components of a more complete solution. The discussion will focus on the issue of scaling AI techniques up to real applications, both in terms of very large, inferentially sophisticated knowledges bases, like Cyc, and in terms of techniques for web scale inference - the goal of the FP7 LarKC project.
关 键 词: Cyc; LarKC; 人工智能
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-17:chenxin
阅读次数: 41