
患者的药物视觉信息︰ 唐吉诃德的设计?

Visual information about medicines for patients: designing for Don Quixote? / Vizualne informacije o zdravilih za bolnike: oblikovanje za Don Kihota?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/aml2010_waarde_viamp/  
主讲教师: Karel van der Waarde
开课单位: 艾文斯应用科技大学
开课时间: 2010-04-30
课程语种: 英语
课程简介:  Situation: Information about medicines\\ It is very hard to handle medicines properly without visual information. Leaflets, packaging, websites and pharmacist-labels provide patients with a plethora of texts and images that aim to inform about dosage, correct way of taking, side effects, warnings and storage. Unfortunately, this visual information does not seem to result in ‘effective instructions and warnings’ and frequently leads to confusion and anxiety. Medical errors, persistently increasing costs of medicines, and ineffective use are seen as unavoidable and part of this system. Issue: Four questionable assumptions\\ The main practical task is to convince patients to take medicines appropriately and effectively. This is problematic. The reason might be that some of the assumptions that underlie the legal framework for the development of visual information for patients are incorrect. The first assumption is that patients are helped by standardization and by strictly prescribing the information that is required. The second assumption is that patients are not the main influential factor when information about medicines is considered. The third assumption is that ‘medicines’ and ‘information’ must be regulated by governmental authorities in the same manner. The fourth assumption underestimates the ability of patients to recognize and interpret information about medicines. These four assumptions lead to a view that it is only necessary to ‘protect patients’ against ‘incorrect and incomplete’ information. The result is a profusion of guidelines and regulations about visual information. Consequences: we are solving the wrong problems\\ The current development process of information about medicines diverts from the tried and tested processes of developing appropriate arguments that could convince patients. There are discrepancies in the selection of the contents, the structure of the argument, and the style in which the argument is presented. The result is that the interpretation of visual information about medicines is unnecessarily difficult. Approach: Developing alternative prototypes\\ An analysis shows that the four assumptions about ‘effective communication’ related to information about medicines are malignant. These assumptions hamper the development of appropriate visual arguments that might support patients to handle medicines appropriately. Fighting these ‘windmills’ requires substantial efforts without benefitting patients. The development of alternative genres that could provide patients with reliable and understandable information about medicines is essential. Novel prototypes that show what clear and understandable information really looks like are urgently required. 
关 键 词: 医药开发; 药物信息; 信息设计
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:heyf
阅读次数: 112