
6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-sc...  
主讲教师: Prof. Tom Leighton; Dr. Marten van Dijk
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-07-15
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: This course covers elementary discrete mathematics for computer science and engineering. It emphasizes mathematical definitions and proofs as well as applicable methods. Topics include formal logic notation, proof methods; induction, well-ordering; sets, relations; elementary graph theory; integer congruences; asymptotic notation and growth of functions; permutations and combinations, counting principles; discrete probability. Further selected topics may also be covered, such as recursive definition and structural induction; state machines and invariants; recurrences; generating functions.
关 键 词: 初等离散数学; 计算机科学和工程; 数学定义和证明; 适用方法; 离散概率; 生成函数
课程来源: MIT Course
最后编审: 2020-06-01:王勇彬(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 607