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Modified Belief Propagation: an Algorithm for Optimization Problems[改进信念传播:一种求解优化问题的算法]
Jort van Mourik(阿斯顿大学) Belief propagation is a well known algorithm to solve various optimization problems, such as error correcting codes graph colouring and satisfiability...
Jort van Mourik(阿斯顿大学) Belief propagation is a well known algorithm to solve various optimization problems, such as error correcting codes graph colouring and satisfiability...

A statistical mechanics analysis of ncoded CDMA with regular LDPC codes[统计力学分析CDMA与正则LDPC码的编码]
David Saad(阿斯顿大学) Ne obstaja
David Saad(阿斯顿大学) Ne obstaja

Advanced message passing techniques for distributed storage[先进的分布式存储器消息传递技术]
David Saad(阿斯顿大学) Distributed storage plays an important role in networks where individual nodes are limited in their storage capabilities and where files are infrequen...
David Saad(阿斯顿大学) Distributed storage plays an important role in networks where individual nodes are limited in their storage capabilities and where files are infrequen...

The role of mechanistic models in Bayesian inference[贝叶斯定理中机械模型的作用]
Dan Cornford(阿斯顿大学) I'll outline the role of mechanistic models, or simulators, in defining priors in a Bayesian inference setting. In particular I will focus on two main...
Dan Cornford(阿斯顿大学) I'll outline the role of mechanistic models, or simulators, in defining priors in a Bayesian inference setting. In particular I will focus on two main...

An efficient Monte-Carlo algorithm for the ML-Type II parameter estimation of nonlinear diffusions[对于ML II型参数估计的非线性扩散的一种有效的蒙特卡洛算法]
Yuan Shen(阿斯顿大学) The mathematical framework of non-linear diffusions has been playing an important role in modelling natural phenomena. Recently, much efforts have bee...
Yuan Shen(阿斯顿大学) The mathematical framework of non-linear diffusions has been playing an important role in modelling natural phenomena. Recently, much efforts have bee...
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