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The Second Law and Energy[第二定律与能量]
Steven Chu(美国能源部) This Nobel Prize-winning scientist admits to staying up late the night before his talk to bone up on thermodynamics. He puts his research to good use,...
Steven Chu(美国能源部) This Nobel Prize-winning scientist admits to staying up late the night before his talk to bone up on thermodynamics. He puts his research to good use,...
Our Energy Future: Why American Science and Engineering Must Lead the Way[我们的能源未来:为什么美国科学和工程必须导致的方式]
Samuel W. Bodman(美国能源部) The set of challenges for the U.S. posed by global economic competition and dependence on foreign oil are precisely those that must galvanize the scie...
Samuel W. Bodman(美国能源部) The set of challenges for the U.S. posed by global economic competition and dependence on foreign oil are precisely those that must galvanize the scie...
Energy for the Coming Decades: Trends and Technologies[未来几十年的能源:趋势和技术]
Steven E. Koonin(美国能源部) Steve Koonin’s news is decidedly mixed: “The headline is the world is not going to run out of energy any time soon,” says Koonin, bu...
Steven E. Koonin(美国能源部) Steve Koonin’s news is decidedly mixed: “The headline is the world is not going to run out of energy any time soon,” says Koonin, bu...
Physics and Analysis at a Hadron Collider - An Introduction[强子对撞机的物理与分析 - 简介]
Douglas Glenzinski(美国能源部) This is the first lecture of three which together discuss the physics of hadron colliders with an emphasis on experimental techniques used for data an...
Douglas Glenzinski(美国能源部) This is the first lecture of three which together discuss the physics of hadron colliders with an emphasis on experimental techniques used for data an...
The Energy Problem and the Interplay Between Basic and Applied Research[能源问题与基础应用研究的相互作用]
Steven Chu(美国能源部) The situation facing our planet could hardly be more dire: There’s increasingly dangerous competition among nations for ever scarce energy resou...
Steven Chu(美国能源部) The situation facing our planet could hardly be more dire: There’s increasingly dangerous competition among nations for ever scarce energy resou...
The Second Law and Energy[第二定律与能量]
Steven Chu(美国能源部) This Nobel Prize-winning scientist admits to staying up late the night before his talk to bone up on thermodynamics. He puts his research to good use,...
Steven Chu(美国能源部) This Nobel Prize-winning scientist admits to staying up late the night before his talk to bone up on thermodynamics. He puts his research to good use,...
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